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Marietta Montgomery

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Human Resources Professional

Success relies on maintaining a "Victor" mindset rather than adopting a "Victim" mentality when confronted with challenges in one's career. Marietta exemplifies a bounce-back attitude, showcasing her resilience in overcoming obstacles along her professional journey. She derives satisfaction from assisting individuals who may have experienced self-doubt, empowering them to achieve success in their unique and authentic ways.

Please briefly summarize your career

As a seasoned HR professional driven by a profound passion for people, I have devoted 18 years to the dynamic field of Human Resources. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in operations and a Master’s Degree in Business with a concentration in Marketing.  Over the course of my career, I have ventured into various industries, including government, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. This diverse range of experiences has equipped me with a profound understanding of the unique challenges and intricacies that each sector presents. Regardless of the industry, I firmly believe that every person desires a sense of belonging and purpose in their professional life.

How did you get into manufacturing?

Upon relocating to Texas in 2015, I embarked on a job search and noticed numerous openings in the manufacturing sector, specifically within the realm of Human Resources. Intrigued by the unknown aspects of this industry, I, as a perpetual learner, saw it as an opportunity not only to challenge myself but also to master a new field.

What are/were some of your struggles or challenges, working in manufacturing?

A recurring challenge in my professional experience has been the emphasis on results over the well-being of individuals within the leadership teams I collaborated with. Despite this, I consistently exhibit adaptability and flexibility in all my roles, showcasing a strong commitment to putting in the necessary effort. To increase visibility and approachability, I invest substantial time on production floors. There are instances where I actively engage with operators, not only to understand the processes but also to build camaraderie. I hold a firm belief in the significance of every employee's purpose, irrespective of their position within the organization.

Who were some of the people that influenced you professionally?

The Global CEO of an organization I was part of had a profound impact on my professional growth. Recognizing and appreciating my approach and passion for people, he provided numerous opportunities for my leadership development. I had the privilege of hosting the Board of Directors at a dinner, where I shared my perspective on employee engagement. His ongoing support and encouragement to remain true to myself are truly inspiring, especially considering the recognition among 5,000 US employees.


In addition, a Director of Manufacturing played a significant role in influencing me. Despite being labeled as an "odd duck," he acknowledged the effectiveness of my enthusiasm. Granting me the responsibility to drive employee engagement across the entire US, covering 10 plant locations, for a year, he aimed to encourage other HR professionals to adopt my approach, which successfully reduced turnover year over year.


Furthermore, a Plant Manager, upon his promotion to another location, reached out to bring me along. His belief in my abilities and commitment was a testament to the trust he had in me.

How has the workplace changed for women since you first started?

During my seven years in manufacturing, I have not witnessed the transformative change I desire, particularly concerning gender representation in leadership roles. I am eager to observe a notable increase in the number of women holding key positions, as there remains a noticeable gap.

What kind of impression would you like to leave on other women in manufacturing?

Currently, I mentor women across different generations, encompassing Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. My primary goal is to foster a strong sense of self-belief in each mentee. I advocate for active engagement in continuous learning within the industry, underscoring the invaluable nature of knowledge. As women enhance their knowledge, collaboration, progression into higher positions, and the cultivation of trust across all levels of the organization become more seamless. Above all, I emphasize the importance of never succumbing to fear.

What career advice do you have for other women?

Maintain your confidence, irrespective of the challenges you face. You were chosen for a reason, and your impact can be significant if you approach it with relentless determination. Always strive to expand your knowledge, intentionally exploring areas beyond your expertise to fortify both your capabilities and character.

What are some ways you have given back to the community of women, or some ways you have made a positive influence and impact on women in manufacturing?

I am confident that my positive influence continues to nurture my relationships with women, extending beyond those I mentor to include those I encounter throughout my career journey. I prioritize cultivating meaningful connections to offer not only encouragement but also to serve as a supportive confidante during challenging times. My approach is non-judgmental; instead, I focus on promoting and actively listening to their concerns, ultimately fostering a stronger belief in themselves. Consider me a dedicated cheerleader for women, committed to everyone's success. I make a point to remind women of their past successes, encouraging them to reflect proudly on their contributions to the industry.

What are your career goals from here, and how do you plan to reach them?

I consider myself a Life Coach based on the relationships I've cultivated. Our discussions extend beyond the workplace into the personal lives of individuals. External factors from work often shape how someone presents themselves, and understanding these challenges allows me to work through issues by being available. This support helps individuals feel less alone, enabling them to stay focused on their priorities without diminishing their impact at work due to personal matters.


While I plan to obtain formal certification as a Life Coach for those unfamiliar with me, those who do know me are aware of my unwavering support both in and outside of their careers. Supporting others is ingrained in my DNA and defines who I am. Understanding my life's purpose brings me immense joy, as this isn't just a job—it's Marietta.

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